New Barn and visiting Kira

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Family time!

Duck and I
Duck Grazing (dive bombing the grass!)
My mom and I with Duck
My sister Kris (She is a Parelli horse girl too!) and her 3 month old baby Ayden. Ayden loves the barn and the horses. He just sits in his front pack wiggling and cooing while you go around the barn.
Aricin my little guy jumping the mud puddle. Him and his older brother could care less about the horses. :(

My mom, sister and her baby came into town to visit last Wednesday! They leave this Wednesday. We went to the barn today to show them around where Duck lives.  We had a good time and Duck always enjoys grazing!

1 comment:

Gilbert Family said...

What great pictures! I'm glad Karissa is there visiting sounds like she misses you a lot. You two are great! I think it's so great to know people who share a love of horses! I think Duck is adorable...good luck with all your Parelli training!