This week M-Th my boys are in Day camp from 9-1! Freeedddooooom! Time for some much needed play time this week! Of course I did a beeline straight to the barn today after I dropped them off with my cell phone in hand just in case!
Duck was in her stall for the day since it is looking like it will be over 90 degrees again today. We started with some grazing (as usual) while I groomed her and then saddled. I put her on the 22 ft line to go to the arena. She offered to go in her stall and I was trying to think of what I could do to play in there while I was outside of it. I thought I'd try to back her out while I was in zone 5, but I think I didn't have enough preparation in that area! :) We played with it a bit and then I ended when she took a few steps back towards me. When I came in the stall to back her out I figured out the problem. It is a pretty tight squeeze (her door doesn't open all the way) and so she wasn't even confident doing that. So we played with it and out she went. Now I know how to prepare!
There were lessons going on in both arenas, the big arena had a group of 8 hunter/jumper students. The practice arena had 2 students as well. I decided to go for the empty roundpen.
We got some cones and set them up in a line. Weaved her in and out of the cones on the 22ft line. Then I took off the rope and did it at liberty as well as a little sideways at liberty. She still tends to get very unconfident with any pressure so I make our liberty sessions very short!
I then mounted up and played with the line of cones weaving through them. She is starting to follow my direction better with my body, but sometimes it still takes a lot. The group of 8 was causing quite a stir (bucking horses, and cantering rather quickly as a group) plus Duck's pasture mate Kay was in there so there were some moments of RB whinnying and the like. I have recently taken the strategy of just making her do A LOT when she does the whinnying. We back up a long way, go sideways, yield front end and hindquarters with a bit more energy than she would like to exert. It seems to be working as it brings her focus back to me.
After the students left in the practice arena I took Duck over there and put her back on the 22ft line. We played with barrels and jumping them but she was more just knocking them around everywhere. She did sidepass onto the barrels which was nice and then stepped over with her hind legs to get off it! We played some circling where we practiced transitions. I don't very often play circling game and usually never without an obstacle involved but today she did well. We got transitions walk/trot both ways as well as a rough change of direction. I just don't want to overdo the circle game because last May we couldn't even circle without her rushing off at a dead run and pulling on the rope! So we've made progress! Still have a ways to go before submitting our transistions on line.
I only had 2 tasks for level 2 left when Kira left. Transitions online and 7 games in 7 minutes at liberty. I knew then that it would be quite awhile before I would be able to submit them. Duck is still quite green and pretty much has not had a lot of consistent riding/play. But it seems we are getting closer! I can't wait! Everyone I was in level 2 with before or who got to level 2 has since passed and moved on to level 3! Here I am, taking the long road!
We also did a little cantering in the round pen. Duck bucked a bit but I rode her forward through it until she gave me a nice canter. I still feel like I need to find a big horse that is used to cantering a lot and ride it just to remember how to canter on a big horse! I feel like I am not helping her at all at the canter because for the last 10 years almost exclusively I had been riding Kira and her 13.1 hand mustang/pony canter! Duck's just feels so different (way more upright and more motion) and I am lagging! I wonder if there is a way to simulate a canter that I can do at home? I'd love to practice being more fluid at the canter!
All in all it was a great day! I am pleased with how Duck is coming along. I barely noticed any thresholds going to the arena which is a great improvement. Along with the fact that our steering seems to be getting better and softer which has been quite an issue for us! I think the trail ride yesterday helped with both those issues!
At the end of the session I briefly introduced backing from zone 5 with her next to the fence just to see if I could get a bit of understanding. She did seem to get it and we got a few steps! More to practice on next time!